The Weather Diaries

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Drawing on traditions of feminist ethnographic documentary making and recent work in the environmental humanities, The Weather Diaries explores how autoethnographic filmmaking, working within the intimate, local realm of everyday life, can engage audiences around the catastrophic global unfolding of anthropogenic climate change and the sixth mass extinction. Both film and exegesis explore the potential of engaging audiences in the painful relinquishment of the familiar form of hope - as the projection of current conditions into a future imagined as progress - that we bear for our children and companion species at this devastating moment in human and Earth history. Seeking to promote constructive dialogue about the irreparable erosion of the more-than-human world as witnessed locally, the work represents a search for a realistic vision of the future that inspires and sustains urgent action to confront the interwoven crises of extinction and global heating. Focusing on the beauty to be found in everyday life and our interconnection with the natural world, the power of dreams and stories and music in our lives, and the inspiration to be found in people working directly or indirectly with climate change, The Weather Diaries supports a modest hope, one that doesn’t shy away from grieving the losses we’re already suffering, but a realistic hope that with creativity, determination, and contributing in our various ways to the care and protection of the lives we love, we can make a difference.
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