A Holistic Methodology for Successive Bottleneck Analysis in Dynamic Value Streams of Manufacturing Companies

Springer International Publishing
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, pp. 612-619
Issue Date:
Full metadata record
Numerous methods for bottleneck detection, along novel approaches for bottleneck prediction, are available in literature. To facilitate the development and application of such methods, this paper proposes a holistic methodology for Bottleneck Analysis in dynamic value streams. Analogous to established data analytics levels, namely descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, the methodology specifies objectives for data-driven Bottleneck Analysis. Based on state-of-the-art bottleneck detection methods, the methodology provides measures for the diagnosis of bottleneck severity and frequency. Additionally, it considers prediction methods to anticipate emerging bottlenecks, depending on available databases. Finally, the methodology provides a context for the yet unexplored field of bottleneck prescription, which aims to mitigate bottleneck effects by data-driven control recommendations. Further practical application of the methodology has to confirm its suitability as a holistic framework for analyzing bottlenecks in dynamic value streams.
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