Mutual Informative MapReduce and Minimum Quadrangle Classification for Brain Tumor Big Data

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022, PP, (99)
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Machine learning algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM) have been widely used to detect brain tumors in big data environments. However, the SVM classifier is unsuitable for a large dataset as the complexity involved is found to be high. Therefore, in this article, a MapReduce model is introduced with SVM to handle large-scale data and deal with this issue. In this article, a framework called mutual informative MapReduce and minimum quadrangle classification (MIMR-MQC) is introduced for brain tumor detection to handle challenges associated with big data classification. Here, preprocessing is performed using MIMR, which removes unwanted and redundant attributes in the brain tumor dataset. This technique reduces the computation complexity and time using a big dataset for detecting the brain tumors. Then, the minimum quadrangle support vector machine model is created using Lagrange multipliers and radial basis kernel function for improving the efficiency of the classification process. The MIMR-MQC framework is validated on a standard dataset called Central Brain tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS). Results show that the proposed model observed 21% of higher detection accuracy by minimizing the computational complexity and detection time by 37% and 27%, respectively in comparison with existing models. A comparison with state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, the MIMR-MQC framework performs better in terms of brain tumor detection time and accuracy due to the better distribution of data.
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