Pornhub, child sexual abuse materials and anti-pornography campaigning

Taylor Francis
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Porn Studies, 2022, 9, (4), pp. 464-476
Issue Date:
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This article uses the case study of Nicholas Kristof’s 2020 New York Times article attacking Pornhub for (among other claims) hosting child sexual abuse materials (CSAM) as a way to consider both the real harms caused by Pornhub and the ways in which anti-porn discourses such as Kristof’s distract public debates and policymakers from those harms. While Kristof writes about the challenge that Pornhub faces in trying to remove CSAM from a user-generated site, he ignores the fact that all social media sites, including Facebook and Twitter, face the same challenges. He thus makes it appear that this is a problem of pornography rather than a problem of scalable content moderation in a user-generated digital content ecosystem. At the same time, he ignores the real damage that Pornhub’s piracy-based business model has done to sex work industries and sex workers.
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