Experimental investigation of G-HPC-based sandwich walls incorporated with metallic tube core under contact explosion

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 22, (4)
Issue Date:
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A novel geopolymer-based high-performance concrete (G-HPC) sandwich wall consisting of two G-HPC layers separated by a metallic tube core possessing high strength and lightweight structure was developed in this study. The contact blast tests with 1 kg TNT were subsequently conducted to explore the blast resistance of the developed sandwich walls. For this purpose, three sandwich walls and a C40 reinforced concrete (RC) slab were employed. The superior blast resistance of the sandwich walls was verified based on the experimental results as compared to the RC slab. The sandwich wall with a circular steel tube core exhibited a superior blast resistance than the wall with a circular aluminum alloy tube core, whereas the sandwich wall with a rectangular steel tube core revealed the best performance. The blast resistance and damage mechanism of the sandwich walls were subsequently analyzed. The accuracy of the available empirical formulas was also examined for predicting the damage in the sandwich walls under contact explosion conditions.
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