Together: Understanding How Technology Use within Families Shapes Parents' Experiences

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This thesis provides the first empirically grounded understanding within HCI (human-computer interaction) of how the use of interactive technologies within families can shape parents’ and their relationships. The studies conducted for this thesis confirm that, while the use of technologies (especially mobile devices) plays an increasingly significant role within families, parents commonly associate it with a range of complex experiences. This is because parents perceive technology use to negatively impact on family dynamics and child development. Thus, parents’ experiences of integrating technology use into everyday family life are often contentious and messy. This research discovers that family technology use can shape, and be shaped by, parents' relationships. Specifically, by describing how the use of technologies within families can contribute towards conflict between parents. These studies also demonstrate how new methodological approaches can help develop a more nuanced picture of how technologies are used and experienced within families. Specifically, by adapting the design and use of probes to capture and compare parents’ individual perspectives on family technology use. Finally, this thesis investigates how the design of interactive technologies might help improve parents’ experiences of managing mobile device use during family time. The theoretical focus of this research contributes towards more holistic understandings of family technology use. This work also delivers a methodological contribution of how we might begin to extend existing HCI research methods, that are rooted in the exploration of individual experiences, to interrogate the multiple perspectives of device use in domestic settings. Finally, this thesis proposes ways in which interactive technologies, that have long been intended to prioritise individual user engagement, might be designed to better support parents' needs and aspirations for the time their family spends together.
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