Compelling Impacts of Natural Polymer-Centered Drug Delivery Systems as Prophylactic and Therapeutic Approaches in Various Pulmonary Disorders/Lung Diseases

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Natural Polymeric Materials based Drug Delivery Systems in Lung Diseases, 2023, pp. 445-464
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Pulmonary disorders are common illness that affects people of all ages world­wide. Common pulmonary disorders include pulmonary hypertension, CF (cystic fibrosis), asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, and COVID-19. Treatments of these disorders vary but can be broadly categorized into pharmacological (medicinal), non-pharmacological, rehabilitation, and surgical techniques. Often, a combina­tion of these approaches is used, both for symptomatic relief and treatment. Regarding these prophylactic and therapeutic approaches, advances are rapidly being made, and scientists are currently investigating modern and unique theranostic methods. However, there is a lacuna in drug delivery, pharmacokinetic aspects, and drug-induced adverse effects. One particular area for improvement that needs to be immediately addressed is the drug delivery system to significantly improve healthcare associated with pulmonary disorders. Natural polymer-based drug delivery systems are widely adopted for their ease of production, lack of biotoxicity, and strong bioaffinity. Of the natural polymer­based drug delivery systems, chitosan, sodium alginates, albumin, hydroxyapa­tite, and hyaluronic acid are the most common natural polymers. Each of these natural polymers has its preferred use, either due to tissue-specific delivery or medical property packaging. The current scientific article discusses the common pulmonary disorders, their pathophysiology, and the current therapeutic approaches. Additionally, we discuss the major natural polymer drug delivery systems, including their properties and common uses.
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