Guided Learning from Demonstration for Robust Transferability

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023, 2023-May, pp. 5048-5054
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ICRA_23___Guided_learning_from_demonstration_for_robust_transferability.pdfAccepted version5.45 MB
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Learning from demonstration LfD has the potential to greatly increase the applicability of robotic manipulators in modern industrial applications Recent progress in LfD methods have put more emphasis in learning robustness than in guiding the demonstration itself in order to improve robustness The latter is particularly important to consider when the target system reproducing the motion is structurally different to the demonstration system as some demonstrated motions may not be reproducible In light of this this paper introduces a new guided learning from demonstration paradigm where an interactive graphical user interface GUI guides the user during demonstration preventing them from demonstrating non reproducible motions The key aspect of our approach is determining the space of reproducible motions based on a motion planning framework which finds regions in the task space where trajectories are guaranteed to be of bounded length We evaluate our method on two different setups with a six degree of freedom DOF UR5 as the target system First our method is validated using a seven DOF Sawyer as the demonstration system Then an extensive user study is carried out where several participants are asked to demonstrate with and without guidance a mock weld task using a hand held tool tracked by a VICON system With guidance users were able to always carry out the task successfully in comparison to only 44 of the time without guidance
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