Inter-generational Changes in Entrepreneurial Values of Chinese Australians

Journal of Global Business Management
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Global Business Management, 2011, 7 (2), pp. 1 - 11
Issue Date:
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This research explores the entrepreneurial behaviour of ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs in Melbourne, Australia. The paper contributes to our understanding of aspirations, cultural programming, and environmental factors that influence Chinese entrepreneurship. In total, 200 Chinese entrepreneurs participated in this study. Data was collected by way of a survey questionnaire and was analysed using factor analysis and regression analysis. The statistical analysis revealed that the background of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial motivations, traditional Confucian values, difficulties and hurdles faced, and the vision of expanding overseas contributed to the business success of Chinese entrepreneurs. This research provides useful insight for government policy makers, small business consultants, academics, and stakeholders generally in relation to the key success factors of small ethnic Chinese based businesses and the challenges they face. Generally, the findings can also have implications for other ethnically based businesses and this exploratory research can be a basis for a wider study of these unique businesses. The research findings are original and unique and are based on a sample of two generations of Chinese entrepreneurs operating in Melbourne, Australia. The sample comprised two generations of Chinese entrepreneurs which proved useful in tracking intergenerational changes in entrepreneurial values.
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