Research capacity building in traditional, complementary and integrative medicine: Grass-roots action towards a broader vision

Palgrave Macmillan
Publication Type:
Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 2012, 1, pp. 275 - 281
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Developing capacity to undertake health research effectively is an integral component of national and global health research systems (Lansang and Dennis, 2004) and is essential to producing a sound evidence base for decision making in policy and practice (Cooke, 2005). Moreover, research capacity building (RCB) - nurturing and producing sustainable increased capacity for future research endeavours - is important fOr all health research fields and TCIM is no exception (Andrews, 2006; Adams, 2007). There is currently a great opportunity to embrace RCB in relation to TCIM in order to help develop an evidence base and a stronger and more robust research culture among scholars and practitioners alike.
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