Towards strategies for poverty reduction: An analysis of the Rural Enterprise Program (REP) in Kintampo South district, Ghana

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This study investigated the Rural Enterprise Program (REP) on poverty reduction in the Kintampo South district of Ghana. The analysis of the REP examines the program, its impacts and the challenges faced. This study extends the body of knowledge on poverty reduction, with the central focus an analysis of the REP in relation to poverty reduction in two rural communities in Ghana. Interviews were conducted with 11 key stakeholders involved in the running of the REP. In addition, 30 smallholder farmers who have received training and other support from the REP were interviewed. It draws on capability theory and the sustainable livelihood frameworks as analytical tools. Findings show that the REP interventions have resulted in poverty reduction among the local communities of Amoma and Ampoma. This has been manifested in the farming practices and production capacities of the smallholder farmers which have increased in the past couple of years since the REP was introduced. The increases in their production capacity have contributed to increased income for the farmers and their households which have enhanced their key capabilities to enjoy decent lifestyles. Among the key capabilities are improved nutrition and health of the smallholder farmers and their households, increased affordability of their children’s education to the highest level and their capacity to accumulate valuable household assets. The rural/local community has also been impacted by the REP interventions. The increase in farming activities has created job opportunities for other local people to make a decent living. There has been knowledge transfer from the smallholder farmers who participated in the REP interventions to other farmers that has enhanced their functioning’s in the local community. The REP interventions have improved the philanthropic activities of the smallholder farmers by boosting their capacity to offer free services in livelihood support to other community members. This has strengthened the social ties and relationships between the smallholder farmers and other people in the local community. Findings shows that despite the substantial impacts of the REP interventions on poverty reduction, other challenges confront the REP in reducing poverty. Institutional constraints, disorganized land tenure systems and climate change are among the key barriers affecting the REP in reducing poverty. The research findings illustrate policy frameworks required for future poverty reduction approaches in Sub-Saharan Africa where the incidence of poverty remains a key challenge.
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