Fuji Xerox Australia Eco Manufacturing Centre: A case study in strategic sustainability

Tilde University Press
Publication Type:
Cases in Corporate Sustainability & Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2011, 1, pp. 28 - 41
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Today humankind faces two major crises. The first is the global financial crisis that began in 2008. The second is ecological and has been slowly building since the industrial revolution. The ecological crisis is now gaining momentum as we witness the meltdown of the world's glaciers and a range of related issues such as widespread weather volatility, desertification and food shortages. The two crises are intimately related. In the words of leading ecologist Tim Flannery: 'We have become the 'future eaters', living beyond the earth's ability to replace the resources we consume'. As a consequence, there is a need for up-to-date, relevant course materials-and particularly case studies-addressing the challenges ahead. Corporate sustainability is increasingly central to strategy in modern businesses. Learning about sustainability lends itself to the use of case studies because: (1) case studies demonstrate that sustainability is not some fantasy but a business imperative; (2) sustainability issues do not come in neat packages but cut across the traditional academic disciplines; and (3) case studies allow the relevance of theories to be tested. As the title of this book indicates, the primary emphasis is on corporate sustainability but an emphasis has also been placed on corporate change. Sustainability will not be achieved through technological fixes alo? corporate culture needs to change also.
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