Mobile Manipulators in Industrial Environments -- RoboCup@Work and Warehouse Order Picking

Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ACRA 2023 Proceedings, 2023
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In industrial environments such as manufacturing or warehousing facilities there is a constant need to transport goods from A to B. Automating this task has been a topic of interest for decades. Traditional industrial approaches for navigation and pick-and-place operations fail to cope with environments that are uncertain and dynamic. In this work, we present a mobile manipulator system capable of autonomous navigation and manipulation of goods. We describe our system architecture and methods used for task planning, navigation, perception and manipulation. Our approach has been evaluated by successfully participating in multiple RoboCup@Work competitions, securing 1st place in the German Open in 2022 and 2023 and 2nd place in the international tournament in 2023. We also show the transferability of our perception system to an industrial setting by providing results from an order picking application in a warehouse.
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