Shoot Flammability Patterns in Urban Plants at the Wildland-Urban Interface of the Greater Sydney Region

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This thesis expanded practical shoot flammability assessments of native and exotic plants within Australia, using a bespoke flammability device. The worsening nature of wildfires on the eastern coast of Australia due to climate change, poses a great risk to populations living at the wildland urban interface. Gardens and street trees in these areas are often what bridges wildland areas to the urban environment. This thesis aimed to determine the flammability of common native and exotic garden and street tree species to the Greater Sydney Region by four flammability attributes. The flammability attributes measured throughout the chapters are the time to flame, flame temperature, flame duration and number of flame events. The study species’ plant traits were also measured to determine if plant physiology was related to flammability attribute outcomes. The plant traits of bulk density and leafing intensity recurred as strong determinants of shoot flammability. The final chapter found a relationship between hotter weather at the time of burning with higher flammability outcomes in both garden and street tree species.
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