In Search of Blak Magic: Magic Realism ~ Aboriginal Novels

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In Search of Black Magic: Magic Realism - Aboriginal Novels researched key attributes of magic realist fiction, and investigated to what extent can magic realism be identified in Aboriginal authored novels published in so-called Australia. Applying practice-led methodology, this research adds to the existing body of international literature on magic realism as a narrative technique. Recent research confirms magic realism is still relevant, with literary scholars forecasting new forms. The research also explored issues relating to misunderstanding magic realism and misreading First Nations’ literature. An insider research approach by an Aboriginal writer, who applies magic realism to their creative work, and is aware of Indigenist research theory, provided a point-of-difference from other research on magic realism in literature. There is a scarcity of scholarly and practitioner literature on magic realism written by First Nations literary scholars and writers. After critiquing a selection of Aboriginal authored novels, using the list of characteristics developed as part of this research, there were only two novels that had sufficient traits of magic realism. Further Indigenous-led research could reduce mislabelling work as magic realism, and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers who might be interested in creating new varieties of magic realism or similar narrative styles.
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