ICT Programs in China: A Case Study of Shanxi Universities

World Scientific Publishing
Publication Type:
Teaching and Learning in the Digital Era: Issues and Studies, 2024, pp. 303-325
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Presently, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education holds substantial importance within higher education institutions worldwide. This research compiles and examines 51 ICT programs and 1,251 associated ICT courses from 11 universities in China’s Shanxi province. The micro-level analysis aims to disclose insights about the macro-level scenario, delving into the course design of ICT education in China and potentially on a global scale. This case study discovers that the most sought-after ICT programs primarily center around Information and Computing Science, as well as Computer Science and Technology. Mathematic and Programming-related courses lay the foundation for ICT programs, while Programming is the most frequently offered course in ICT programs at Shanxi universities. Through the data analysis, a suggestion is made to include courses in the context of Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity for the ICT programs offered by Shanxi universities.
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