The future of allergic rhinitis management: A partnership between healthcare professionals and patients

Publication Type:
Journal Article
World Allergy Organization Journal, 2024, 17, (3), pp. 100873
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Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a chronic respiratory condition that internationally continues to be burdensome and impacts quality of life. Despite availability of medicines and guidelines for healthcare providers for the optimal management of AR, optimisation of its management in the community continues to be elusive. The reasons for this are multi-faceted and include both environmental and healthcare related factors. One factor that we can no longer ignore is that AR management is no longer limited to the domain of healthcare provider and that people with AR make their own choices when choosing how to manage their condition, without seeking advice from a health care provider. We must build a bridge between healthcare provider knowledge and guidelines and patient decision-making. With this commentary, we propose that a shared decision-making approach between healthcare professionals and people with AR be developed and promoted, with a focus on patient health literacy. As custodians of AR knowledge, we have a responsibility to ensure it is accessible to those that matter most-the people with AR.
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