Advancing the practice development outcomes agenda within multiple contexts
- Publisher:
- Online journal of FoNS in association with IPDC
- Publication Type:
- Journal Article
- Citation:
- International Practice Development Journal, 2011, 1 (1), pp. 1 - 16
- Issue Date:
- 2011-01
Open Access
Copyright Clearance Process
- Recently Added
- In Progress
- Open Access
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To-date the major focus and activity has been on clarifying the nature of practice development intervention and in developing and identifying approaches, methods and processes that fit with the intent of practice development work. Further effort has emphasised the importance of achieving this intent while ensuring that practice development work, as a 'complex intervention', is adapted locally and contextually. Whilst a range of outcomes have been achieved from systematic practice development work, the need to develop strategic level evaluation frameworks that reflect the complex and multi-faceted nature of practice development interventions has also been identified. The evolution of practice development as an effective intervention for enhancing practice and workplace cultures is contingent on the explication and demonstration of both the process and health outcomes it achieves. The accumulation of this evidence of effectiveness is required to ensure the uptake of practice development by policy makers and commissioners of quality and research enhancements across both health and academic sectors.
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