Ageing with chronic conditions and older persons' experience of social connections: a qualitative descriptive study.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Aust J Prim Health, 2024, 30, (4), pp. PY24019
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Background Chronic conditions may limit older peoples' social engagement and wellbeing. Reduced social connections can result in loneliness and social isolation. This study aimed to explore the experience of social connection in older people living with chronic conditions, and the factors influencing their social participation. Methods A purposive sample of 19 community-dwelling older Australians (mean age 75.5years) with one or more chronic conditions participated in a qualitative descriptive study. Semi-structured interviews explored participants' perceptions of their social connections and the potential impact of their chronic conditions. Views about the role of general practice in supporting older persons' wellbeing were discussed. Data were analysed inductively using thematic analysis. Results Five themes were identified: (1) the experience of loneliness, (2) managing diminishing social contacts, (3) living with chronic conditions, (4) barriers to social connection, and (5) facilitators of social connection. Participants felt that ageing with chronic conditions contributed to loss of function and independence, which limited social connections, and increased loneliness and social isolation. Barriers to social connections included issues with mobility, transport and forming new networks. Families were a primary support, with continued community engagement and general practice support crucial to staying well and socially connected. Conclusions Understanding older peoples' experiences, and the barriers and facilitators of social connections can guide clinicians' interventions. General practice is a promising intervention point because of its high use by those with chronic conditions to stay well. General practice nurses are well-placed to collaboratively address the barriers older people face in maintaining social connections.
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