Effect of raw materials on the performance of 3D printing geopolymer: A review
- Publisher:
- Publication Type:
- Journal Article
- Citation:
- Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 84
- Issue Date:
- 2024-05-01
Open Access
Copyright Clearance Process
- Recently Added
- In Progress
- Open Access
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Traditional construction materials such as cement products release a significant amount of carbon dioxide during their preparation and usage, negatively impacting on the environment. In contrast, 3D printing (3DP) with geopolymer materials utilises renewable and low-carbon emission raw materials. It also exhibits characteristics such as energy efficiency and resource-efficient utilisation, contributing to reduction in carbon emissions and an improvement in sustainability. Therefore, the development of 3DP geopolymer holds great significance. This paper provides a comprehensive review of 3DP geopolymer systems, examining the effect of raw materials on processability, including flowability and thixotropy, and microstructure. The study also delves into sustainability and environmental impact. The evaluation highlights the crucial role of silicon, aluminium, and calcium content in the silicate raw material, influencing the gel structure and microstructural development of the geopolymer. Aluminium promotes reaction rate, increases reaction degree, and aids in product formation. Silicon enhances the mechanical properties of geopolymer, while calcium facilitates the formation and stability of the three-dimensional network structure, further improving material strength and stability. Moreover, the reactivity of raw materials is a key factor affecting interlayer bonding and interface mechanical properties. Finally, considering sustainability, the selection of raw materials is crucial in reducing carbon emissions, energy consumption, and costs. Compared to Portland cement, 3DP geopolymer material demonstrate lower carbon emissions, energy consumption, and costs, thus making it a sustainable material.
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