An innovation experience: What does innovation mean to practising organisations?

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
The Future of Work and Organisations, 2011, pp. 1 - 28
Issue Date:
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Organisat ions strive to be innovat ive in order to survive and succeed in an everchanging business environment . Nevertheless, do these organisations really understand the meaning of innovat ion? The meaning and understanding of innovat ion is changing, original ly l imi ted to science and technological innovations it now includes innovat ion due to value co-creation, environmental and social chal lenges. Innovat ion is still an opaque concept, though many efforts are involved in developing an understanding of an organisat ion. This paper aims to explore the perspectives and patterns of Austral ian f irms pract ising innovat ions in their day-to-day activities. The paper further examines the pat terns of innovat ion involving innovation resources, efforts, outputs, and metrics used to measure innovat ion. An empirical study wi th qualitative analysis forms the basis of this paper.
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