Student expectations and the effect of experience

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Engaging pedagogies: AARE 2006 International Education Research Conference Proceedings, 2007, pp. 1 - 10
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One aspect of empowering students at a university is to take the current view that they are now to be regarded as clients or customers rather than recipients of education. In this context it is imperative that student demands and expectations of lecturing staff have been given little considered when planning, designing and delivering courses. This of course makes the assumption that university students are an homogenous groups with respect to their expectations. This study surveyed students to find out whether this assumption is tenable or if student expectation change over the course of study. With this objective in mind this study surveyed two students groups: one group fresh from high school and a second group in their last year of study, The results from the survey showed that students across both had quite congruent expectations of their lecturers. Both groups saw subject matter expertise as the key factor in their expectations of university teachers, while grading assessment fairly, keeping learners interested and showing enthusiasm for subject matter content rated highly with both groups. There were however some differences between the groups mostly concerning issues such as structuring the learning process, supporting learners and directing learners.
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