American option pricing under two stochastic volatility processes

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 224 pp. 283 - 310
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In this paper we consider the pricing of an American call option whose underlying asset dynamics evolve under the influence of two independent stochastic volatility processes as proposed in Christoffersen, Heston and Jacobs (2009) [13]. We consider the associated partial differential equation (PDE) for the option price and its solution. An integral expression for the general solution of the PDE is presented by using Duhamel's principle and this is expressed in terms of the joint transition density function for the driving stochastic processes. For the particular form of the underlying dynamics we are able to solve the Kolmogorov PDE for the joint transition density function by first transforming it to a corresponding system of characteristic PDEs using a combination of Fourier and Laplace transforms. The characteristic PDE system is solved by using the method of characteristics. With the full price representation in place, numerical results are presented by first approximating the early exercise surface with a bivariate log linear function. We perform numerical comparisons with results generated by the method of lines algorithm and note that our approach provides quite good accuracy. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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