Visualising Health Care Improvement

Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
Publication Type:
2013, 1
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Why is it that in spite of all the health policy reforms, clinical practice innovations, increasing inter-sectoral inter-dependencies and new medical and information technologies, so little has changed in the way we research and evaluate healthcare? Dont these changes cry out for new ways of being studied and appraised? And dont our approaches to clinical practice innovation cry out for being reinvented too? Surely, we cannot continue to wheel out research and evaluation paradigms, improvement approaches and methods that were designed for 20th century problems and 20th healthcare, and assume they will be able to make sense of the problems we experience and the care we provide in the 21st century? These changes necessitate a new paradigm of health service research, evaluation and improvement and this new model adopts approaches and methods that embrace complexity. The approaches and methods can account for the vicissitudes of frontline care, the activities of frontline staff, and the experiences of patients and families where care happens. Healthcare managers, policy makers and shapers will find this book enlightening. It will also be empowering to all healthcare professionals and frontline staff. Visualising Health Care Practice Improvement draws on years of video feedback research shaping an approach that enables not only a retrospective understanding but also a view into the future, of what might be possible. It presents the argument that change is not principally about adopting solutions from elsewhere, but that it is conditional on people exploring whether proposed solutions suit existing habituations. It involves a process of exploration, discovery, secession, and renewal.
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