Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru from Soekarno, 19 Aug 1946

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Letter to Jawaharlal Nehru from Soekarno, annotated “19/Aug/1946”. Letter makes reference to P.R.S. Mani’s role in gift of Indonesian rice to India.

Marks first anniversary declaration of Independence. Sukarno thanks Nehru and stresses strong bonds between the two peoples. Praises Indian support in Indonesia, ‘as they face two powerful imperialisms’. Says first ship being loaded with rice for India from Probolinggo. Praises Indians in Indonesia for their support, including PRS Mani as initiator of rice exchange in approaching PM Sjahrir and a journalist, Mr Kidwai, (probably Anwar Jamal Kidwai, well known Indian journalist who may have been in Indonesia writing for Hindustan Times.) who speaks out against British use of Indian troops in November 1945.

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