Presence-generating arts systems

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In order to advance understanding about presence-generating art systems, artists, researchers and designers, working in the field of immersive environments, create experiences for people. These experiences involve the participant not only through the systems functionality (interaction) , but in a psychological way, employing the use of the senses. Designed sensorial experiences account for both the participant's experience and the system's functionality. A presence-generating art system facilitates engaging experiences for participants, as both system form and system content compliment each other. These three components; the participant, system form, and system content are reliant upon each other if the outcome is to produce presence-based engagements. Creating meaningful, engaging experiences is one method for generating the experience of presence. This work looks at the process of creating presence engagement by applying in design; previous research into presence, two models for creative engagement and designing low stress environments. It briefly explores participants' experiences of navigating a projected interface, using a stand alone eye-tracking device . This practicebased research project examines an interactive art system and how it use's levels of interactivity to engage participants through models for creative engagement, designed for gaining and sustaining attention. The work advances understanding about interaction and experience design, by evaluating participants experiences of the seven features designed to enhance the sense of presence. These features are: designing for creative engagement, the sensation of spatial presence, the experience of ecological validity, the use of naffatives, the use of colour and motion, audio and the system response time.
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