Claremont College

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TERROIR was initially engaged for a small refurbishment project, the success of which led to a larger suite of projects intended to bring together all of the disparate parts of the school into a coherent campus and which creates a support structure for the enactment of the schools key values; learn,life,light,love. To create a unified campus from a series of alternations and additions, a clear unifying strategy was required. This came in the form of a clear approach to pedagogy and social development, encapsulated in the schools key values and supported by research into international developments in education spaces. In particular, Parkash Nair & Annalise Gehling's writing on 21st century learning provided a galvanizing moment for the client, architect and project management team around a vision for interpreting and reconfiguring the existing building fabric of the school. The introduction of tablet technology in teaching practices has allowed the spatial experience of learning to evolve. No longer does the teacher become the sole point of focus in the classroom both in terms of space and guidance but rather, supported by the distributed information access possible with tablets, enables the teacher to work as a facilitator or manager of learning.
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