What factors motivate users to continue to use an information system?

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The discontinued use of an Information System is shown by previous research to be a major aspect of the failure of Information Systems projects. Major reasons for the discontinued use of an Information System include inabilities to meet user expectations, to satisfy users and to avoid user dissatisfaction. One limitation of previous studies was that they assumed satisfaction and dissatisfaction were bipolar opposites. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of expectations, satisfaction and dissatisfaction on the individuals' behaviors in their continuing use of an Information System to support their job in an organization. Our study consists of an interview study and a survey study. Both studies were conducted with employees, in organizations in Australia, who were voluntarily using the system to support their job. Analysis techniques used to analyse the results were content analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis. Five major findings were reported from our studies. First, there are two patterns of a continuous use of an Information System; a passive continuation and an active continuation. Second, system usefulness is an important factor in the employee continuing use of the system. Third, system ability to support an individual growth and the status gained by use were new factors to encourage the continuing use. Fourth, not all factors that make individuals satisfied were separated from the factors that cause dissatisfaction. Fifth, the employees' perceptions of whether they have choice to use or not to use the system affect the ways they use the system. The major contribution of our study is for better assisting IT implementation management with an overall aim of increasing Information Systems continuous use to support the individuals' job in an organisation.
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