Transformative design : understanding the principle, processes and products to create transformative design outcomes

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- The first Transformative Design text and resource for multi-disciplinary designers undertaking courses that requires transformable design outcomes to be created. This resource provides designers with insight and guidance into this unique realm. It delves into the essential principle and three approaches of transformation and also the transformative processes that lead to creations of unique transformative product outcomes. To accompany this resource is also insight into the author's own transformative experiences as a practicing designer and researcher of Transformative Design. From discussions into transformative principles, approaches, processes and products, designers will learn precisely what transformation is, and how transformation can be embedded as an intrinsic element within their design outcomes. This study into Transformative Design is drawn from tracing existing theories found in diverse literatures like corporate sustainability, social economic theory to design process and ancient philosophies to name a few. From there, networks are formulated and then principles are distilled from these findings. To guide designers during their design process and execution of transformative outcomes, twelve transformative product case studies are presented. Some of the products include tables that can turn into a skirt by Hussein Chalayan, ladders into chairs by Section N; or sofas that turn into a bed by Alessandro Becchi and many more. Each product's physical transform-ability is analysed through diagrammatic notations and equations. When designers need to fathom how their design outcome can traverse into another design outcome whilst still remaining physically connected as a single entity, the notations method can be used. This method is one of six transformative process steps that will be discussed. To ensure that all areas of this research articulates a congruent message of Transformative Design, the methodologies within this Transformative Design resource involved triangulation of diverse trans formative theories; categorization of products within the principle and three approaches; criteria selection of transformative outcomes and discussions of material properties; formulation of product case studies; experiential studies used to create six transformative process steps for designers and development of equation/ notation methods to record physical changes needed for an entity to traverse from state A to B. The vision behind this thesis is to inspire designers to create dynamic transformative outcomes that showcase Trans formative Design as the next wave of leading edge design.
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