在云南省高等院校学习汉语的东南亚留学生研究 = Study on the Southeast Asian students learning Chinese at the universities in Yunnan province

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- 本学位论文是对在云南省高校学习汉语的东南亚国家留学生进行深入系统研究的第一部论著。本文主要以在云南省高等院校学习汉语的东南亚学生为研究对象,采取文献研究、参与观察、社会调查、问卷访谈等方法,同时应用教育学和社会学两个学科视角和分析框架,探讨中国对外汉语教育所取得的成就、所存在的问题、以及所面临的挑战,从一个特定角度为研究中国的对外汉语教育作出突破性贡献。 研究表明,云南之所以成为东南亚国家留学生学习汉语的主要目的地,有其得天独厚的优越区位条件,包括山水相连的地缘关系、文化交流源远流长和民俗风情相通相融的文化亲缘关系、互补性很强的密切经贸关系等方面。在云南省高等院校学习汉语的东南亚留学生,存在着微妙的内部差异,既反映在泰国、缅甸、老挝、越南、柬埔寨等不同国度给他们刻上烙印,也体现于具有官员身份的成年学生、由政府资助的公费生、来自相当富裕家庭的自费生等这些不同的社会背景对他们的留学动机、留学预期、学习动力和学习能力所造成的影响。 本论文深入细致地考察和分析云南省对东南亚留学生汉语教学各个环节的具体问题,总结和评估教学过程的一系列成功经验,梳理和剖析云南省对东南亚留学生汉语教学在教学理念、教材建设、课程设计、师资培养等方面的美中不足之处,并提出一些进一步改善的具体建议。本文还将对外汉语教学放到国际关系的宏观视野中考察,分析云南省从事东南亚留学生汉语教学对改善中国与东南亚国家在政治关系和经济关系、促进中国与东南亚国家的旅游合作、教育合作、打击跨国犯罪特别是贩毒吸毒、维护区域安全等方面的重大贡献。 This thesis is the first Study on the Southeast Asian students learning Chinese at the universities in Yunnan Province in a systematic way. With a focus on the Southeast Asian students learning Chinese at the universities in Yunnan Province and the analytical frameworks of both pedagogy and sociology, this thesis generates primary data through participatory observation, surveys and interviews and provides in-depth analysis on the achievement, weakness and challenges of teaching Chinese as a foreign language at the universities in Yunnan, making a major contribution to the understanding of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in China. This study shows that the reasons for Yunnan to become a major destiny for the Southeast Asian students learning Chinese in China lie in the geographical connection and convenience, the economic interdependence based on mutually supplementary benefits, and the cultural and ethnic affinity between Yunnan and the Southeast Asian countries. It also shows that there are subtle internal differences among students from Southeast Asian countries in their motivation, expectations and capacity due to their social backgrounds, their difference life experiences and their origins from different countries. This thesis provides a detailed analysis on major aspects of teaching Chinese language to the students from Southeast Asian countries at the universities in Yunnan, evaluating the successful practice, discerning the weak links, and making proposals for improvement in the areas of teaching methodology, textbooks, curriculum design and staff training. The thesis goes a step further to assess the contributions made by the teaching of Chinese language to the students from Southeast Asian countries in a broader perspective, such as the contribution in improving political and economic relations and enhancing the cooperation in education, tourism, and the control of drug trafficking and other international crimes.
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