Attributes of the learning-innovation transformational leader

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Learning Models for Innovation in Organizations: Examining Roles of Knowledge Transfer and Human Resources Management, 2013, pp. 251 - 267
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© 2014, IGI Global. All rights reserved. This chapter examines the role of transformational leadership in transforming the learning organization into an innovative one. Important features of the leader, such as the ability to assist in developing and accommodating the implementation of knowledge management programs, learning organization concepts, and innovation protocols, are discussed in this chapter. This chapter demonstrates that shifting from learning organization to become an innovative company could involve some unique attributes of a transformation leadership. In that regard, the chapter also demonstrates that organizations need first to create, capture, transfer, and mobilize knowledge before it can be used for learning and then for innovation. The chapter presents a method of studying how successful innovation leaders of companies could find themselves acting in three roles, namely knowledge leader, learning leader, and then innovation leader. The leadership styles and characteristics that could transform the organisation from learning to innovation are discussed. The type of innovative leadership required to enhance the organizational performance is also highlighted. This chapter provides details for understanding innovative leadership based on the concepts for leadership characteristics and styles. The chapter also discusses different leadership styles and the proposed model of innovative leadership used by most firms in their efforts to improve performance. This chapter examines whether the attributes of leaders and styles of leadership could also influence the behaviour of some leaders towards the transformation from learning to innovation settings.
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