The forensic discrimination of inkjet printers

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- With approximately 70% of printers sold today being inkjet printers, and estimates of over a billion inkjet printers being sold since 1981 , the prevalence of inkjet documents requiring forensic examination has and will dramatically increase in future years. Research was conducted into the suitability of utilising traditional document examination techniques for the examination of inkjet documents. Traditional techniques such as Microspectrophotometry and Thin Layer Chromatography were reviewed, as well as more unconventional document examination techniques including Raman Spectroscopy. This research reinforces the importance of detailed visual examinations including the use of specialised document examination equipment, and discusses characteristic inkjet features including droplet shapes, satellites and spur marks. It emphasises the importance of paper type in forensic document comparisons and discusses both class and individual characteristics for inkjet printers. This research has found that while the manufacturer of a printer can often be determined, the determination of a particular model is difficult if not impossible. This research also examined the mass production of inkjet printers, inkjet cartridges and third-party consumables and discusses its influence on the examination and interpretation of results. It looks at providing guidelines for the examination of inkjet documents as well as the reporting of inkjet document comparisons. It discusses the inkjet document examination process not only in terms of document related evidence but forensic evidence in general. This research would have practical application in determining information about counterfeited items including banknotes, artwork, and identity documents. It could also be used in determining if documents such as contracts or wills have been altered or forged.
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