Mobile literacies: Navigating multimodality, informal learning contexts and personal ICT ecologies

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2014, 479 pp. 377 - 390
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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. The affordances and ubiquitous uptake of technically convergent devices has led to widespread change in communicative practice. Mobile devices and their wider ICT ecology have afforded people with the means through which to consume and produce multimedia content. In such an environment, literacy can no longer be limited to the reading and writing of word and character-based texts. The emergent field of New Literacies research has contributed early understandings of these new practices. This paper contributes to understanding how these new literacies occur within a mobile and informal learning space. This study details mStories a creative, participatory, digital mobile storytelling project comprised of nine adult participants who created “stories” with their mobile phone device. These stories were shared on the mStories project website, which became a repository for: fiction, non-fiction, poetry and diary-style content. Stories used a range of written text, visual images, sound, music and video. Using content analysis, interview and survey methods this paper describes mobile literacy as characteristically situated and experiential in nature. The mobile device was catalytic to furthering digital writing on other devices within the individual’s wider ICT ecology. This research contributes understandings of multimodal mobile literacies as part of a foundation for framing and understanding mobile learning in informal settings.
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