The role of esoteric specifications in choice contexts
- Publication Type:
- Thesis
- Issue Date:
- 2011
Closed Access
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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted indefinitely. ----- It is critical for firms to understand how demand for their products is impacted by the way in which
product information is communicated. Despite research devoted to understanding how the provision of
information impacts product evaluation and choice, research on the communication of product
specifications is limited. Firms often use esoteric specifications to describe attributes. In contrast to
conventional specifications that are familiar and relatively easy to evaluate, esoteric specifications are
defined as descriptions of product attributes that are unfamiliar, novel, and difficult to evaluate even when
comparable alternatives are available to act as reference points. For example, the ‘zoom’ attribute of a
digital camera may be described in a simple, easy-to-evaluate specification (e.g. 7x), or equivalently
described in an esoteric, difficult-to-evaluate way (e.g. 37-260mm).
Although the use of esoteric specifications is widespread, little is known about how esoteric specifications
impact upon choice. Previous research suggests conflicting impacts of the use of esoteric specifications in
influencing product evaluations. For instance, ambiguous attributes have been demonstrated to positively
influence product evaluations, but, paradoxically, consumers often ignore product information that is
difficult to evaluate, instead utilising specifications that can be easily compared across alternatives. Given
these conflicting views, the objective of this thesis is to understand how esoteric specifications impact
reliance on both esoterically and conventionally described attributes in choice contexts.
Two discrete choice experiments examine the effects of esoteric specifications in choice in the context of
digital camera and credit card choice. We demonstrate that attribute reliance in choice is lower when
described by esoteric specifications than when described by conventional specifications and, as a result,
reliance shifts to those other attributes conventionally described. We propose that the shift in reliance to
other conventionally specified attributes depends on brand credibility. Finally, we demonstrate the
moderating role of processing effort in attenuating the discounting of esoterically described attributes in
This thesis contributes to research on the provision of marketing information in three key ways. First, we
identify esoteric specifications as an information-provision variable that has a systematic influence on
evaluation and choice. Second, we provide an addition to the metacognition and ease-of-processing
literature by examining the effects of processing difficulty in a choice context. Finally, this thesis
contributes to the information-processing literature by demonstrating the influence of motivated
processing in overcoming effects of esoteric specifications in choice. Practically, the findings suggest that
firms should be mindful of the language used to describe key attributes and, in particular, whether
consumers can comprehend and compare the values of stated specifications. Failure of firms to do so may
lead to consumers using attribute information in choice contexts in unanticipated ways.
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