"Photomontage : art in communication"
- Publication Type:
- Thesis
- Issue Date:
- 2010
Closed Access
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- Closed Access
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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted indefinitely. ----- This enquiry is about photomontage in communication and it is based on the over-arching hypothesis that photomontage is a significant artform that facilitates visual communication and has the ability to possibly transcend language barriers. The hypothesis further suggests that photomontage is a tool that can communicate large amounts of complex and diverse information in a less ambigous manner than a single image ever possibly could and more efficiently, in some cases, than a verbal text could. The main thrust of the enquiry is to establish how the information contained in the photomontage can be effectively interpreted to reveal its meaning and through what effective methodologies. A subsequent analyses of a variety of images that have been employed in diverse areas of industry is carried out to test the validity of the theories discussed in regard to interpretation and making meaning, with recognition being given to temporal, historical and cultural factors as well. Ways of comprehending and making meaning of the photomontage is the central issue of this enquiry and therefore the contingencies that also influence the making of meaning such as postmodernism, globalisation and culture in general are all given consideration here.
Semiotics is considered to be the appropriate basis for the analyses and as such one chapter is given over to considering the particularities and ramifications of what is relevant to the photomontage in this theory. Along with this discussion and in the same chapter are related theories of design to enable better understanding leading to potentially improved interpretation of the photomontage. It is the triadic semiotic model introduced by Charles Sanders Peirce that is the model chosen as being the most suitable for the analyses. However, as this model is still deemed to be less than comprehensive for the photomontage the analyses includes the application of an extended list of tropes, a consideration of the alternative means of presenting ideas, plus a rationally limited consideration of aspects of psychological analysis and very importantly the inclusion of discourse theory too, all of which are discussed.
The various industries that are represented here are those that, were or are, inclined to a proliferation of photomontages and are therefore deemed the most appropriate areas for analytical consideration. In each case a background is prefaced to each industry in an attempt to reveal the special micro cultures that might prevail within that industry and which in turn need to be taken into consideration for a balanced understanding and a resultant “truthful” analysis of the photomontages.
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