台湾民主化过程中党外运动的作用及推动民主转型的客观因素 = Factors contributing to democratic transition in Taiwan, with a focus on the role played by the Dangwai movement

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted indefinitely. ----- 在过去六十年中,台湾的党外运动在台湾的民主转型与台湾历史当中扮演了举足轻重的作用。本文展现台湾民主化运动从思想到行动的发展轨迹,特别注重探讨党外运动与文人学者一手包办的精英政治逐渐走向以台湾普通民众为主体的草根政治的历史演化。本文也从比较政治学的角度解读台湾民主化转型当中客观的有利因素,揭示台湾海峡两岸政治发展的不同之处。 The opposition movement had a great role to play in the process of Taiwan’s democratisation in Taiwanese history, during the past 60 years. This thesis is an account and analysis on the role played by the opposition movement in Taiwan’s transition to democracy, shedding light on the development of liberal-democratic ideas and the process of translating democratic ideas within the elite circles into grass-root activism and democratic political movement. The thesis also contributes to the on-going discussions on other factors inducing to the democratic transformation in Taiwan from the comparative perspective of mainland China.
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