Dancing to the flute

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- Dancing to the Flute is a non-traditional PhD that forms a quest in text, where both the novel and the accompanying dissertation provide the forum to explore notions of longing and belonging. The novel uses the trope of the Indian raag as the basis for the characters, the structure and style of the writing. The essays look at oral history and where my stories have come from, the craft of writing and the role of music, and finally the role of both the author and audience. I have used Gregory Ulmer’s concept of ‘mystory’ explained in the introduction, as the frame for my work. A ‘mystory’ - is a way of constructing inquiry from the view of not-knowing. Where the process of doing the work frames both the question and the answer. In addition, Ulmer often works with new media, in a non-linear fashion. My view is that the novel and the linked essays provide the reader with a similar, non-linear experience, each looking at the same issue from a different lens.
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