台湾开放陆资入台的政策演进 = Process of Taiwan's open policy for the entry of mainland Chinese investment

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本文研究民进党执政八年与国民党重新执政一年间实施开放陆资入台政策的缘由、进程与成效,分析、比较两党的执政理念如何导致台湾开放陆资入台政策的传承与更新。通过系统地揭示台湾开放陆资入台政策的演进轨迹及其阶段性特点,为迄今论著甚少的陆资入台研究贡献新知,为意义深远的陆资入台实践提供借鉴。 本文认为,履行加入WTO的承诺,吸引大陆台商资金回流台湾,借助陆资入台重振台湾经济,是台湾急需开放陆资入台的三大原因。在此情势下,民进党首倡开放陆资入台,以此作为争取台湾民意、缓和兩岸紧张局势的策略。该党主持修订"两岸人民关系条例",将先前"原则禁止"陆资入台的法律框架,改为权力机关严格审批的"原则许可"机制。这就给国民党重新执政后务实开放陆资入台,提供法律上的便利。 因此,国民党重新执政后面临的主要工作,已经不是改弦易辙的法律修订,而是另辟新路的政策实践。仅仅一年间,此项政策实践已经取得长足的进展。台湾开放陆资入台政策的演进,在经历李登輝主政时期"戒急用忍"方针的禁绝,以及民进党执政时期"积极管理、有效开放"方针的限制之后,在国民党重新执政时期进入"务实开放、实质管理"的开放阶段。可以预期,此项政策的继续推行与未来新的更大实践成效,将给两岸经贸乃至两岸政治带来积极而深远的影响。 This thesis is a study on the cause, processes and results of Taiwan’s open policy for the entry of Mainland Chinese investment during the past eight years of the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) reign and one year for of the KMT (Kuomintang) reign. It also provides an analysis and comparison of the similarities and differences between the two parties with regard to the open policy for the mainland investment. The thesis identifies three major motives behind Taiwan’s open policy for the investment from mainland China: fulfilling the commitments of its accession to WTO; attracting capital back to Taiwan from Taiwan businessmen in Mainland China; and revitalizing Taiwan’s economy. When the ground work has been undertaken by the DPP government, the KWT government is expected to expand not only the Cross-Strait trade and economic ties but also political engagement between the two sides.
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