李慎之与转型中国--自由主义议题在后极权中国社会的提出 = Li Shenzhi and China's transformation : liberalism in post-totalitarian China

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本论文依据李慎之先生已发表的全部文本和大量相关一手材料,对李慎之晚年思想进行细致和系统的梳理,通过对李慎之晚年思想与自由主义在中国近百年历史的延伸内在的联系的探究,依据上世纪四十年代以来人类对极权主义(Totalitarianism)的认识来分析考察近期中国社会的新变化并把握"李慎之现象",对李慎之晚年思想在转型中的后极权中国社会的价值和意义做出初步的评价和定论。 本论文认为:对中国专制主义传统的批判和对自由主义价值的褒扬是李慎之晚年思想的内核。李慎之思想的嬗变是一个去后极权"党文化"的过程,是一个中国转型时期中国知学人角色转换的过程。在这一过程中,李慎之虽难以脱尽"党文化"和"王者师"色彩,但这并未阻碍他突破专制主义意识形态的桎梏而达至对后极权中国社会本质特征的洞彻认知。基于这种认知和勇气,李慎之成为否定依据"唯物史观"对中国历史的分期,将中国的"社会主义"实践纳入中国专制主义框架来分析和认识,并明确提出必须彰显自由主义个人价值、以自由主义的价值观念作为消解中国专制主义和极权主义的最好思想资源、唯有自由主义是中国未来出路见解的杰出学人。也是基于对自由主义思想体系价值和后极权中国社会本质特征的洞彻认知,李慎之力倡重新启蒙和公民教育、高扬全球化与民主化旗帜、呼吁重燃理想之火实践自由。 本论文将李慎之现象界定为:知识学人在新的历史条件下自觉进行知识结构的调整和重组,这种调整和重组具有鲜明的自由主义指向,并且不屑于隐瞒自己新的思想倾向,勇敢争取和捍卫自由言说等个人基本权利的现象。认为这一现象在中国后极权时代的出现,对中国社会的转型将产生重大作用和影响。 本论文高度评价李慎之带头努力使自由主义议题得以在后极权中国社会重新提出。自由主义议题在百年前的中国晨钟初鸣,历经战火洗劫和政治强人拒斥,奄奄一息至1998年重浮出水面并在大面积范围内产生巨大影响,李慎之是推动此一重大历史转折的第一功臣。自由主义议题在中国后极权时代的重新提出对推动中国社会的转型具有重大的实践意义。李慎之晚年思想已经为中国改革向政治体制深层的推进标明了正确的方向并注入了新的动力,也将极大影响和加速改变中国知识学人思想文化结构的重组和转换。 本论文高度评价李慎之晚年思想的转变对于正在急剧分化的中国执政党产生的影响。李慎之挣脱了共产主义意识形态桎梏,义无反顾地从党内公开打出自由主义这面大旗,向共产党人特别是中共党内开明派和在不同程度上具有自由主义民主倾向尚未完全认同自由主义民主的"半民主派"指明了彻底转变为自由主义者的唯一正确出路。在李慎之的劳动下,分化的中共党內高层中更多有自由主义倾向的智者,正在将自由主义理念和实践落实在中国的进程中发挥独特和重要的作用。 Making use of a large quantity of materials in original sources, this thesis is an attempt to evaluate the significance of Li Shenzhi’s thinking in his later years in the context of current political and social transformation in China. The thesis examines in a systematic way the thinking of Li Shenzhi in his later years, with a focus on his outstanding contribution to the rise of liberalism in China in the 1990s. This is one of the few studies applying the theoretical framework of totalitarianism for the analysis of the intellectual and political developments in contemporary China. It explores the reality of post-totalitarian regime in China as the social condition for the rise of liberalism and the restraints on intellectual and political developments in that country. The term “Li Shenzhi Phenomenon” is coined in the thesis to describe and analyse the conversion of communists to liberals in their later years. Li Shenzhi is highly representative for a small group of old communists who made an intellectual and political lead through embracement of liberalism, adjusting and reorganizing their entire ideological and knowledge structure. For better understanding of the “Li Shenzhi Phenomenon”, the thesis also traces the historical development of liberalism in China over the last century. From the historical perspective, we can see very clearly the significance of the efforts made by Li Shenzhi in his later years. Suppression of liberal democracy has plunged China into disasters so many times in the last century that we could definitely appreciate the wisdom for Li Shenzhi to advocate liberal democracy as the only viable future for China. As an arguably most outstanding liberal scholar in the 1990s, Li Shenzhi revived the liberal discourse in China and pointed out that the basic liberal values constituted the best intellectual resources to eliminate the Chinese absolutism and totalitarianism. It is believed that the “Li Shenzhi Phenomenon” in the period of post-totalitarianism in China will have great impacts on the transformation of the Chinese society.
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