Investigating Solutions To The Affordable Housing Supply Challenges In Sydney, Australia: Considering Alternative Housing Typologies

Pacific Rim Real Estate Society
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings from the PRRES Conference - 2016, 2016
Issue Date:
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Problem/Purpose: Affordable housing is a growing challenge for global cities as urbanisation of our global population continues to increase. The City of Sydney(CoS) has acknowledged this challenge in their Community Strategic Plan (2014), which in Target 4 states that “7.5% of all city housing … will be affordable housing, delivered by not-for-profit or other providers.” However, CoS planners also acknowledge that a key challenge of meeting this target is that they do not control the development of the product. This research offers a new way of thinking about the affordable housing typology as well as insights into how third party providers can be engaged to provide these alternative affordable housing solutions. Design/methodology: A desktop study was used to investigate alternative affordable housing typologies developed/implemented in other global cities as strategies to increase their affordable housing supply. Case examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the alternative typologies presented. Findings: In contrast to programs currently utilised in Sydney - which predominately create housing of a single type, in a single location with only one ownership model - the strategies presented create a diversity of housing type, location and ownership. Micro-units and accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are explained, barriers are discussed, and a case example demonstrates their impact on the housing supply. Originality/value: The case study cities investigated in this study have similar political challenges to the CoS, but have developed and implemented creative solutions with third party providers. Their solutions may assist the City of Sydney, as well as other Australian cities, in developing creative, alternative strategies to help achieve their affordable housing targets.
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