Predictors of women's attendance at cardiac rehabilitation programs.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Progress in cardiovascular nursing, 2003, 18 (3), pp. 121 - 126
Issue Date:
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Full metadata record
This descriptive study was conducted to identify the factors that influence womens attendance at cardiac rehabilitation programs and womens adherence to risk factor modification following a cardiac event. Women (N=196) admitted to hospital for a cardiac event were followed-up at 12 weeks postdischarge. Despite eligibility, only 64% (n=112) had been referred to cardiac rehabilitation programs. By 12 weeks postdischarge only 32% of the total sample (n=57) attended programs and 12% of the total sample (n=21) had dropped out before completion. The odds of a woman attending cardiac rehabilitation were decreased by myocardial infarction diagnosis, lack of employment, <55 years or >70 years, and experiencing a personal stressful event during follow-up. Women were likely to adhere to smoking, medication, and stress modification guidelines but unlikely to adhere to modification guidelines for diet and exercise. Copyright 2003 CHF, Inc.
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