开放中国文学妇女的角色与声音 = Roles and voices of literary women in opened-up China

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- 本论文从20世纪80年代中国大陆实行改革开放政策以来的中国妇女文学入手,目的在于证实、甄别、分析在新时期中国出现的妇女文学的不同形态、文化成因、意义、影响及可能的发展方向。澄清某些有激进倾向的观点所制造岀来的神话或谬误,以及西方女性主义理论与中国语境之间的差异与误区,论证当代中国妇女文学的文化构成(中国文化传统与道德伦理观念、毛泽东时代革命思想、西方人文思潮及生活价值观等等的浸染与影响)、走向及其在中国改革开放进程中的文化意义。提出新的文学妇女观:回归真实、回归自由选择、回归生命本然。 Proceeding from women's writing since China Mainland's implementation of its open-doors policy in the 1980s, this dissertation aims to verify, distinguish and analyze various forms, cultural factors, significance, influences and possible orientations of Chinese women's literature in the new era. It goes further to clarify myths and falsities generated in a radical vein alongside differences and error zones between Western feminism and Chinese reception contexts; to demonstrate cultural composition (i.e. Chinese cultural tradition, moral and ethical value, Maoist revolutionary ideas, and infiltration of Western humanist intellectual waves and values), trends and significance of contemporary Chinese women's writing in the course of China's opening up to the outside world; and to advance new notions of literary women, i.e. returning to the real, returning to free choice and returning to life-in-itself.
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