从中国义乌国际小商品博览会看会展对区域经济发展的影响 = The Yiwu international exhibition and its impacts on the regional economic development in China

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- 随着经济全球化的迅速发展,服务贸易被越来越多的国家重视。会展业作为第三产业发展日趋成熟后出现的一种的新的经济形态,已经成为当今世界上许多国家国民经济发展新的增长点。自上世纪八十年代中国改革开放以来,中国经济迅速发展,在此基础上孕育并发展起来的会展业以年均20%的速度增长并逐步壮大,现已经迅速成为中国国民经济发展的新亮点。 相比较欧洲百年的现代会展发展历史,实际上仅走过20几年发展历程的当代中国会展业尚处在起步阶段,至今尚未形成适合自身的发展模式。目前中国除北京、上海、广州等一线会展城市㚈,正在发展会展业的中小城市有100多个。如何提高中小城市会展业发展的整体水平,走出具有中国特色的中小城市的会展发展模式,成为众多中国会展学者需要迫切解决的问题。 中国义乌国际小商品博览会,从1995年第一届地方性展会,到1998年由省政府主办的全国性展会,再到2002年荣升商务部主办的国际性展会,短短的十几年的发展,义博会已经成为继广交会和华交会之后中国的第三大国际性展会,对国际采购商极具吸引力且成为帮助中国企业直接登上国际市场的有效平台。义乌这座在改革开放后靠小商品市场发展起来的经济強县在义博会的推动下,城市综合实力迅速提升,建设国际商贸城市步伐大大加快。 本文以义博会的发展轨迹为切入点,运用宏观会展经济学、微观会展经济学、社会学、政治经济学、会展管理学、会展公关学等理论,对义博会的发展轨迹以及对区域经济的推动作用作了深入的分析,探讨会展业对促进区域经济发展、调整产业结构、推动周边地区经济发展和对外开放程度的积极作用,总结义博会成功经验,并提出适合中国中小城市发展会展经济的义乌模式,即因地制宜、集聚优势、以展促贸、和谐发展。 随着中国入世过渡期结束,服务业全面对外开放,世界著名会展公司和会展品牌纷纷开始抢占中国市场,竞争加剧;另一方面,中国国内会展业品牌展会甚少,会展管理水平不高,综合实力不强,中国会展业面临内忧外患困境。笔者提出中国中小城市会展经济发展的义乌模式,意在通过借鉴义博会的成功经验,找到适合中国中小城市发展会展业的有效出路,畅想未来中国会展经济发展的方向,对中国会展业发展及新经济的增长起到一定的促进作用。 With rapid development of economic globalization, many countries have attached more and more importance to the service trade. The convention and exhibition industry, as an important part of the tertiary industry, is becoming a new pole of economic growth. As a consequence of the remarkable economic development in China since the 1980s, the convention and exhibition industry in that country has witnessed an annual growth of 20% in recent years. Compared to the European convention and exhibition industry with a history of more than 100 years, the convention and exhibition industry in the People's Republic of China is still in its initial stage of development and still searching for an appropriate development model. Besides a few big cities in the forefront of the development of the convention and exhibition industry, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, over 100 medium and small-sized cities in China are also creating their own convention and exhibition industry. It has become an urgent task for academics and practitioners of the convention and exhibition industry in China to find suitable models and strategies in advancing the convention and exhibition industry in medium and small-sized cities. The China Yiwu International Fair for Small Commodities, which started in 1995 as a local exhibition and was upgraded to a national fair held by Zhejiang provincial government in 1998, has become a major international fair since 2002. Actually within a short period of a decade it has become the third largest international fair in China next only to that in Guangzhou and Shanghai. The Yiwu International Fair has provided a charming platform for the enterprises in China to embrace the international market. In the meantime, the Yiwu Fair has become a powerful driving force for the development of Yiwu from a small city at county level to a major city of international status. Through a case study of the Yiwu Fair with application of several theories developed in macro-exhibition economics, microcosmic exhibition economics, sociology, political economy, exhibition management, and exhibition public relations, this study provides an in-depth analysis of the trajectory of developing a local fair into an international fair in China and assesses its impacts on the development of regional economy, industrial restructuring, and internationalization of national economy in China. It puts forward “Yiwu Model” to summarize the successful experience of the Yiwu Fair, with distinctive features such as being rooted in local conditions, focusing on competitive advantages, promoting trade through exhibitions and harmonious development of different parts of economy. With the end of the transitional period of China access to WTO, service industries have to be opened fully to the outside world and the convention and exhibition industry in China will face severe competition from well known companies and brands in the international convention and exhibition industry. It is hoped that this study, the discussion of the "Yiwu Model" in particular, will be useful for the development of the convention and exhibition industry in Chinese medium and small-sized cities and the development of Chinese economy as a whole.
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