Taxation and international banking

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Review of Financial Analysis, 2003, 12 (5), pp. 467 - 487
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The purpose of this paper is an examination of the relationship between taxation and the working of international banking arrangements. The main task is directed to the ways taxation determinations by national authorities affect the ways international banks go about their business. International coordination through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a major focus of the analysis. There is no general exposition of principles bearing upon international taxation. Rather, attention is directed to the determination of tax obligations in any one jurisdiction. Thus, there is a close scrutiny of the mechanics of taxation in the international setting bringing out the uncertainties and the imponderables in any application. Much attention is given to structural arrangement in international banking as well as capital arrangements in any one jurisdiction and how this applies to and affects the banking group as a whole. The result is to bring out the complexity of the agenda for tax applications on a common basis across internationally operating groups. Most jurisdictions recognise that they cannot await common agreements because new instruments and arrangements emerge at very frequent intervals and their tax implications have to be addressed. There has to be relief from uncertainty if markets are to develop effectively. Thus, there is in an importance sense of partnership between tax authorities and market participants in many countries. International deliberations have taken too long. © 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc.
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