SYMPHONY : a controller for hybrid software defined networks

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Software Defined Networks (SDN) is currently an active area of research. As enterprises migrate to SDN, an inevitable network transitional state is a brownfield state, where both Software Defined and Legacy networks coexist. To achieve interoperability between legacy and Software Defined Networks and to leverage the existence of OpenFlow devices in the traditional network to improve existing network state, a Hybrid SDN controller is a desirable addition to any brownfield deployment of SDN. The thesis of this work aims to further the knowledge in the area of Hybrid Software Defined Networks by highlighting the requirements and challenges to be addressed while integrating legacy and Software Defined Networks. The requirements and challenges discussed in this thesis focus on path computation, packet forwarding, and centralised policy application. This is achieved by building a Hybrid SDN Controller. The main controller components - controller application that runs on POX, a route server to store legacy network information, a next-hop module, a path discovery module and a policy module. We also discuss three use cases of SYMPHONY hybrid SDN controller to demonstrate the controller's application and usefulness. We also perform few key tests to determine the efficiency of deploying a hybrid SDN controller in a network.
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