Networks on mobile platforms

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted indefinitely. ----- Current mobile networks support a narrow number of services and applications such as voice calls, messaging and sometimes limited access to the Internet as 3G technologies do. Therefore, wireless networking with special emphasis on mobile networks on platforms and wireless LANs (WLANs) is a broad area of current researches. Most of the WLANs are fixed networks. These networks can provide a better range of services and applications than mobile networks. Unfortunately, they are mostly distributed in different hot spots and work in an isolated manner. Thus, they do not communicate with each other directly. For example, there are some WLANs working in Sydney on campuses such as UTS, other universities, the airport, some hotels and buildings. These networks work independently and provide service to their users only when they are within the coverage area of the WLAN. In order to provide broadband services while users are moving, it is necessary to combine features of mobile networks and fixed wireless LANs. These kinds of networks is implemented as moving WLANs on platforms. These platforms can be aircrafts, trains and buses. This thesis will study the network architecture required for a broadband moving wireless network carried on platforms; it will also look at different network technologies that could support the proposed network. Following, the performance of the selected technology in the channel will be analysed. Finally, this thesis will suggest a method to identify links between nodes in order to find the topology of the moving wireless network.
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