Building Better Teams at Work using Self and Peer Assessment Practices

Australasian Association for Engineering Education
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Australasian Association of Engineering Education, 2007, pp. 1 - 8
Issue Date:
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There is a reported competency gap between the teamwork skills required by employers and those developed by engineering students during their undergraduate courses. The University of Technology, Sydney is addressing this issue by combining project-based learning with self and peer assessment to determine an individualâs team performance. A confidential online tool is used to collect and collate the student self and peer assessment ratings used both for formative feedback as well as assessment purposes. We found this approach improved student teamwork, engagement and satisfaction, while requiring only a small commitment of academic resources. We propose that using self and peer assessment would also be beneficial in industry to change workplace cultures, promote teamwork, individual skill development, engagement and productivity. Our implementation produces two assessment factors. The performance factor may be used by managers to coach staff to improve their performance, while the formative feedback factor will assist individuals to identify their strengths and weaknesses as perceived by their peers, facilitating ongoing skill development.
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