CoCoDeS: Multi-device support for collocated collaborative learning design

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 28th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, OzCHI 2016, 2016, pp. 185 - 194
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Copyright © 2016 ACM. We propose a novel principled approach and the toolset to support collocated team-based educational design. We scaffold teams of teachers as designers creating rapid high-level course designs. We provide teachers with an ecology of digital and non-digital devices, an embedded design pattern library and a design dashboard. The toolset is situated within a purpose-built educational design studio and includes a set of surface devices that allow teachers to manipulate iconic representations of a course design and get real-time design analytics on selected parameters. The contribution of the paper is a description of the rationale for, implementation and evaluation of, an innovative toolset that sits in an ecology of resources to support collocated educational design.
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