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Showing results 1 to 20 of 168  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-05-14Absorption-based algorithm of primary production for total and size-fractionated phytoplankton in coastal watersBarnes, MK; Tilstone, GH; Smyth, TJ; Suggett, DJ; Astoreca, R; Lancelot, C; Kromkamp, JC
2010-08-01Acclimation and adaptation of scleractinian coral communities along environmental gradients within an Indonesian reef systemHennige, SJ; Smith, DJ; Walsh, SJ; McGinley, MP; Warner, ME; Suggett, DJ
2016-05-25Acclimatization to high-variance habitats does not enhance physiological tolerance of two key Caribbean corals to future temperature and pHCamp, EF; Smith, DJ; Evenhuis, C; Enochs, I; Manzello, D; Woodcock, S; Suggett, DJ
2014-01-01Action spectra of oxygen production and chlorophyll a fluorescence in the green microalga Nannochloropsis oculataTamburic, B; Szabó, M; Tran, NAT; Larkum, AWD; Suggett, DJ; Ralph, PJ
2023-03-01Active coral propagation outcomes on coral communities at high-value Great Barrier Reef tourism sitesHowlett, L; Camp, EF; Edmondson, J; Hosp, R; Taylor, B; Coulthard, P; Suggett, DJ
2022-06Adoption of coral propagation and out-planting via the tourism industry to advance site stewardship on the northern Great Barrier ReefHowlett, L; Camp, EF; Edmondson, J; Edmondson, J; Agius, T; Hosp, R; Coulthard, P; Edmondson, S; Suggett, DJ
2016-10-31Air exposure of coral is a significant source of dimethylsulfide (DMS) to the atmosphereHopkins, FE; Bell, TG; Yang, M; Suggett, DJ; Steinke, M
2010-01-01Application of a Fast Isoprene Sensor (FIS) for measuring isoprene production from marine samplesExton, DA; Smith, DJ; McGenity, TJ; Steinke, M; Hills, AJ; Suggett, DJ
2011-08-20Assessment of pH variability at a coastal CO<inf>2</inf> vent for ocean acidification studiesKerrison, P; Hall-Spencer, JM; Suggett, DJ; Hepburn, LJ; Steinke, M
2023-07-01Bacterial communities associated with corals out-planted on the Great Barrier Reef are inherently dynamic over space and timeStrudwick, P; Seymour, J; Camp, EF; Roper, C; Edmondson, J; Howlett, L; Suggett, DJ
2023Building consensus around the assessment and interpretation of Symbiodiniaceae diversity.Davies, SW; Gamache, MH; Howe-Kerr, LI; Kriefall, NG; Baker, AC; Banaszak, AT; Bay, LK; Bellantuono, AJ; Bhattacharya, D; Chan, CX; Claar, DC; Coffroth, MA; Cunning, R; Davy, SK; Del Campo, J; Díaz-Almeyda, EM; Frommlet, JC; Fuess, LE; González-Pech, RA; Goulet, TL; Hoadley, KD; Howells, EJ; Hume, BCC; Kemp, DW; Kenkel, CD; Kitchen, SA; LaJeunesse, TC; Lin, S; McIlroy, SE; McMinds, R; Nitschke, MR; Oakley, CA; Peixoto, RS; Prada, C; Putnam, HM; Quigley, K; Reich, HG; Reimer, JD; Rodriguez-Lanetty, M; Rosales, SM; Saad, OS; Sampayo, EM; Santos, SR; Shoguchi, E; Smith, EG; Stat, M; Stephens, TG; Strader, ME; Suggett, DJ; Swain, TD; Tran, C; Traylor-Knowles, N; Voolstra, CR; Warner, ME; Weis, VM; Wright, RM; Xiang, T; Yamashita, H; Ziegler, M; Correa, AMS; Parkinson, JE
2018-07-01Cell Cycle Dynamics of Cultured Coral Endosymbiotic Microalgae (Symbiodinium) Across Different Types (Species) Under Alternate Light and Temperature ConditionsFujise, L; Nitschke, MR; Frommlet, JC; Serôdio, J; Woodcock, S; Ralph, PJ; Suggett, DJ
2009-12-01Characterization of marine isoprene-degrading communitiesAlvarez, LA; Exton, DA; Timmis, KN; Suggett, DJ; McGenity, TJ
2011-01Chlorophyll fluorescence in reef building coralsWarner, ME; Lesser, MP; Ralph, PJ; Suggett, DJ; Borowitzka, MA; Prasil, O
2013-06-13Chlorophyll-normalized isoprene production in laboratory cultures of marine microalgae and implications for global modelsExton, DA; Suggett, DJ; McGenity, TJ; Steinke, M
2020-03-01Civil disobedience movements such as School Strike for the Climate are raising public awareness of the climate change emergencyThackeray, SJ; Robinson, SA; Smith, P; Bruno, R; Kirschbaum, MUF; Bernacchi, C; Byrne, M; Cheung, W; Cotrufo, MF; Gienapp, P; Hartley, S; Janssens, I; Hefin Jones, T; Kobayashi, K; Luo, Y; Penuelas, J; Sage, R; Suggett, DJ; Way, D; Long, S
2014-07-25Coccolithophores on the north-west European shelf: Calcification rates and environmental controlsPoulton, AJ; Stinchcombe, MC; Achterberg, EP; Bakker, DCE; Dumousseaud, C; Lawson, HE; Lee, GA; Richier, S; Suggett, DJ; Young, JR
2022-10-01Colony self-shading facilitates Symbiodiniaceae cohabitation in a South Pacific coral communityLewis, RE; Davy, SK; Gardner, SG; Rongo, T; Suggett, DJ; Nitschke, MR
2022-11-10Combined impacts of natural recruitment and active propagation for coral population recovery on the Great Barrier ReefRoper, CD; Camp, EF; Edmondson, J; Suggett, DJ
2021-05-01Comparative volatilomics of coral endosymbionts from one- and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography approachesOlander, A; Lawson, CA; Possell, M; Raina, JB; Ueland, M; Suggett, DJ