Flexible high-energy Li-ion batteries with fast-charging capability

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Nano Letters, 2014, 14 (7), pp. 4083 - 4089
Issue Date:
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With the development of flexible mobile devices, flexible Li-ion batteries have naturally received much attention. Previously, all reported flexible components have had shortcomings related to power and energy performance. In this research, in order to overcome these problems while maintaining the flexibility, honeycomb-patterned Cu and Al materials were used as current collectors to achieve maximum adhesion in the electrodes. In addition, to increase the energy and power multishelled LiNi0.75Co 0.11Mn0.14O2 particles consisting of nanoscale V2O5 and LixV2O5 coating layers and a LiδNi0.75-zCo0.11Mn 0.14VzO2 doping layer were used as the cathode-anode composite (denoted as PNG-AES) consisting of amorphous Si nanoparticles (<20 nm) loaded on expanded graphite (10 wt %) and natural graphite (85 wt %). Li-ion cells with these three elements (cathode, anode, and current collector) exhibited excellent power and energy performance along with stable cycling stability up to 200 cycles in an in situ bending test. © 2014 American Chemical Society.
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